This is just a quick one, a celebration mail! My wife (Aneen) and I love to create occasions and grab each remote opportunity to celebrate with both hands. I would therefore like to highlight a few significant milestones for BLANKbottle™ in the past year.

This year BLANKbottle™ released a record amount of wines,…… well come to think of it, it’s BLANKbottle™’s first full year of operation (est. June 2005), which would naturally make it a record year! Never the less, BLANKbottle™’s growth this year, exceeded my expectations by far! From the ISA-42 Merlot ‘03 to the BACK TJ Merlot 03, ANNA Chenin blanc ’05, ABRINA Bordeaux blend ’05, PHORTION Shiraz ’05, KHA-SHAR Merlot ‘05, LUCA Cab/Mer/Shiraz ’05 to the GRAPHE Shiraz/Viognier ’05.

1 December 2006. rates BLANKbottle™ as one of the top 10 PACKAGING AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS of 2006.
1 December 2006. 3 and a half stars in the John Platter for BLANKbottle™’s PHORTION Shiraz ‘05 and the ABRINA Bordeaux blend ’05. (I therefore still have 1.5 stars to work at in the next 30 years).

Magazines that wrote about BLANKbottle™ in 2006

ABRINA Bordeaux blend listed in the Sandton Towers.

Newspaper Articles for 2006
3 articles in the Cape Argus, 2 articles in the Sunday times and 1 in the Natal Weekend witness, Die Beeld & Die Volksblad Click here to view.

On a more personal level, this year was pretty much never to be repeated! My son, Luca Christian Walser, was born on the 30th September 2006! So yes, this year was one marked with uncountable blessings!! (by the way: I’ve come to realize parenthood is not for sissies!!)

If you are reading this email, you have personally added to the successful growth of BLANKbottle™ in 2006! Thank you for all the support! Thanks again for your loyal ongoing support.

Telephone: +27 (0)82 872 8658

Please note

Due to the many small batches of wines we make, availability changes on a daily basis. Please email if you’d like to order any of our wines or if you are looking for a specific wine, and she will reply with a list of wines now selling. If the wine you are looking for is sold out, we could suggest some alternative excitement and/or we could also put together a unique selection for you.

Please also make sure you add your name to our list below. You’ll be the first to know of new releases.

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