Goodness! This was a quick one! The year is almost on its back, done and dusted! I remember my school days. I didn’t particularly like the routine of school much, but was willing to endure 46 weeks of torture in return for a 6 week summer vacation. Most people are willing to be stuck in positions and professions which they hate for 50 weeks just to earn a bit of money and 2 weeks of leave. To me, this simply makes no sense. I decided to shift the focus to the enjoyment of the 50 weeks rather, and can assure you that the summer vacation is always a guaranteed blasting success. Live your dream and do your work with Passion with your passion being your work! That’s how I ended up once again in front of the books at the age of 25 – Stellenbosch University studying Viticulture and winemaking. Now I have the privilege that my passion is my work: making and selling one thing = FLAVOUR!